Amiga Plus 1997 #1
Amiga Plus CD - 1997 - No. 01.iso
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202 lines
iffparse.library quick autodocs
FUNCTION : create a new IFFHandle structure
SYNOPSIS : iff=AllocIFF()
D0 -30
NAME : AllocLocalItem
FUNCTION : create a local context item structure
SYNOPSIS : item=AllocLocalItem(type,id,ident,dataSize)
D0 -186 D0 D1 D2 D3
NAME : CloseClipboard
FUNCTION : close and free an open ClipboardHandle
SYNOPSIS : CloseClipboard(clipHandle)
-252 A0
FUNCTION : close an IFF context
SYNOPSIS : CloseIFF(iff)
-48 A0
NAME : CollectionChunk
FUNCTION : declare a chunk type for collection
SYNOPSIS : error=CollectionChunk(iff,type,id)
D0 -138 A0 D0 D1
NAME : CollectionChunks
FUNCTION : declare many collection chunks at once
SYNOPSIS : error=CollectionChunks(iff,propArray,numPairs)
D0 -144 A0 A1 D0
NAME : CurrentChunk
FUNCTION : get context node for current chunk
SYNOPSIS : top=CurrentChunk(iff)
D0 -174 A0
NAME : EntryHandler
FUNCTION : add an entry handler to the IFFHandle context
SYNOPSIS : error=EntryHandler(iff,type,id,position,handler,object)
D0 -102 A0 D0 D1 D2 A1 A2
NAME : ExitHandler
FUNCTION : add an exit handler to the IFFHandle context
SYNOPSIS : error=ExitHandler(iff,type,id,position,handler,object)
D0 -108 A0 D0 D1 D2 A1 A2
NAME : FindCollection
FUNCTION : get a pointer to the current list of collection items
SYNOPSIS : ci=FindCollection(iff,type,id)
D0 -162 A0 D0 D1
NAME : FindLocalItem
FUNCTION : return a local context item from the context stack
SYNOPSIS : lci=FindLocalItem(iff,type,id,ident)
D0 -210 A0 D0 D1 D2
NAME : FindProp
FUNCTION : search for a stored property chunk
SYNOPSIS : sp=FindProp(iff,type,id)
D0 -156 A0 D0 D1
NAME : FindPropContext
FUNCTION : get the property context for the current state
SYNOPSIS : cn=FindPropContext(iff)
D0 -168 A0
FUNCTION : deallocate an IFFHandle structure
-54 A0
NAME : FreeLocalItem
FUNCTION : deallocate a local context item structure
SYNOPSIS : FreeLocalItem(localItem)
-204 A0
FUNCTION : test if an identifier follows the IFF 85 specification
SYNOPSIS : isok=GoodID(id)
D0 -258 D0
NAME : GoodType
FUNCTION : test if a type follows the IFF 85 specification
SYNOPSIS : isok=GoodType(type)
D0 -264 D0
NAME : IDtoStr
FUNCTION : convert a longword identifier to a null-terminated string
SYNOPSIS : str=IDtoStr(id,buf)
D0 -270 D0 A0
FUNCTION : initialize an IFFHandle structure as a user stream
SYNOPSIS : InitIFF(iff,flags,streamHook)
-228 A0 D0 A1
NAME : InitIFFasClip
FUNCTION : initialize an IFFHandle as a clipboard stream
SYNOPSIS : InitIFFasClip(iff)
-240 A0
FUNCTION : initialize an IFFHandle as a DOS stream
-234 A0
NAME : LocalItemData
FUNCTION : get pointer to user data for local context item
SYNOPSIS : data=LocalItemData(localItem)
D0 -192 A0
NAME : OpenClipboard
FUNCTION : create a handle on a clipboard unit
SYNOPSIS : ch=OpenClipboard(unitNumber)
D0 -246 D0
FUNCTION : prepare an IFFHandle to read or write a new IFF stream
SYNOPSIS : error=OpenIFF(iff,rwMode)
D0 -36 A0 D0
NAME : ParentChunk
FUNCTION : get the nesting context node for the given chunk
SYNOPSIS : parent=ParentChunk(contextNode)
D0 -180 A0
FUNCTION : parse an IFF file from an IFFHandle structure stream
SYNOPSIS : error=ParseIFF(iff,control)
D0 -42 A0 D0
NAME : PopChunk
FUNCTION : pop top context node off context stack
SYNOPSIS : error=PopChunk(iff)
D0 -90 A0
NAME : PropChunk
FUNCTION : specify a property chunk to store
SYNOPSIS : error=PropChunk(iff,type,id)
D0 -114 A0 D0 D1
NAME : PropChunks
FUNCTION : declare many property chunks at once
SYNOPSIS : error=PropChunks(iff,propArray,numPairs)
D0 -120 A0 A1 D0
NAME : PushChunk
FUNCTION : push a new context node on the context stack
SYNOPSIS : error=PushChunk(iff,type,id,size)
D0 -84 A0 D0 D1 D2
NAME : ReadChunkBytes
FUNCTION : read bytes from the current chunk into a buffer
SYNOPSIS : actual=ReadChunkBytes(iff,buf,numBytes)
D0 -60 A0 A1 D0
NAME : ReadChunkRecords
FUNCTION : read record elements from the current chunk into a buffer
SYNOPSIS : actual=ReadChunkRecords(iff,buf,bytesPerRecord,numRecords)
D0 -72 A0 A1 D0 D1
NAME : SetLocalItemPurge
FUNCTION : set purge vector for a local context item
SYNOPSIS : SetLocalItemPurge(localItem,purgeHook)
-198 A0 A1
NAME : StopChunk
FUNCTION : declare a chunk which should cause ParseIFF to return
SYNOPSIS : error=StopChunk(iff,type,id)
D0 -126 A0 D0 D1
NAME : StopChunks
FUNCTION : declare many stop chunks at once
SYNOPSIS : error=StopChunks(iff,propArray,numPairs)
D0 -132 A0 A1 D0
NAME : StopOnExit
FUNCTION : declare a stop condition for exiting a chunk
SYNOPSIS : error=StopOnExit(iff,type,id)
D0 -150 A0 D0 D1
NAME : StoreItemInContext
FUNCTION : store local context item in given context node
SYNOPSIS : StoreItemInContext(iff,localItem,contextNode)
-222 A0 A1 A2
NAME : StoreLocalItem
FUNCTION : insert a local context item into the context stack
SYNOPSIS : error=StoreLocalItem(iff,localItem,position)
D0 -216 A0 A1 D0
NAME : WriteChunkBytes
FUNCTION : write data from a buffer into the current chunk
SYNOPSIS : error=WriteChunkBytes(iff,buf,numBytes)
D0 -66 A0 A1 D0
NAME : WriteChunkRecords
FUNCTION : write records from a buffer to the current chunk
SYNOPSIS : error=WriteChunkRecords(iff,buf,recsize,numrec)
D0 -78 A0 A1 D0 D1